We're almost there..
It's the second best love story- we're a match.
I am super excited to create some magic with you.
Now here's the boring bits first! This form should be sent over along with your reservation fee and that means your date is secure for 48 hours to give us time for the next bit - I'll then pop you a contract to sign online and that's it, one click!
“I” am then “yours” for that date anyway!
Keep an eye on your e-mail, the contract will be winging it's way to you within 36 hours of receipt of this form.
Reservation {£500}
Name - Natasha Jones
Account - 45499125
Sort Code - 60-83-71
Account type - Business
Reference - yourdateyourname e.g 040920CARLY
“It is more important to click with people, than to click the shutter”